Adrenalin Backpackers Hotel

Alpinaweg 3

8784 Braunwald

Braunwald has 29 rooms with a total of 85 beds
In addition, the Braunwald accommodation has a bar/restaurant with billiards and darts, a self-cooking kitchen, a large lounge, a ping-pong table, a large classic hotel - hall and many terraces.
The teachers will be provided dormitory-style accommodations, with each room equipped with 10 beds and shared bathrooms.


single rooms, double rooms, 3 bed, 4 bed, 5 bed, 6 bed, 8 bed, 10 bed, 12 bed

there is hardly a room size you won't find at Adrenalin....
Some rooms have their own bathrooms
others have shared bathrooms ...
Bar & Restaurant
Dining room Restaurant
About Braunwald

The car-free Braunwald is a family paradise with one nature - there is no second one. On the sunny terrace at 1300 meters it is possible to have a carefree vacation.

We and the mountains.
Practical Info


Linthal can be reached by S-Bahn from Zurich HB with a direct connection in 1.5 hours.

From Linthal a funicular takes you to Braunwald in 5 minutes.
Our hostel is located right next to the Braunwald mountain station.


Braunwald has countless restaurants. From traditional Swiss to star cuisine.


Next to the Adrenalin there is a village store with everything you need for a delicious meal from our self-cooking kitchen.
Two sports stores are located at the top station Braunwald.

Skiing area

Braunwald is the sun terrace of the Glarnerland. And when there is snow here, the car-free mountain village is transformed into a winter fairy tale with many facets. Fun on the slopes, sledding fun, Glarner cuisine in the Glarnerland after a wonderful walk, raclette fun by the open fire and even more. Here the winter becomes romantic !
Ski tours, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowshoeing.
Everything is possible! Romantic feelings? Hau Ruck and Zuck? Mystical experience? Disciplined ascent with skins? Bobsleigh? Muscle power? Or all electric... how we are all different....

+41 (0) 26 321 34 34

friLingue GmbH
Stöckackerstrasse 93
3018 Bern

Monday - Friday:
8am - 5pm
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